
Zentangle! with Martha Huggins and Molly Hollibaugh

The beautiful meditative practice of rhythmic drawing

OK friends, enough with the talky talky. Grab some paper and a pencil: in this episode, we’re waking up our inner artists and making Zentangle magic!

Martha Huggins and Molly Hollinbough are our sister guides. Many years ago, their romantic parents – Maria and Rick – devised the Zentangle method together. Ever since, they’ve been teaching it to people around the world as a way to slip into a fulfilling artistic flow and create beautiful works of pattern, shape, and color.

If you like these adventures in consciousness, consider supporting our work with a paid subscription!

Our drawing practice goes from 8 minutes to about 25 minutes. If you get lost, you can watch this video.

Then we chat about:

  • how nothing is a mistake

  • the equanimity training of going with the flow

  • the balance of freedom vs constraints in art

  • the therapeutic and healing benefits of “tangling,”

  • and much more!

Share your Zentangly thoughts with us in the comments!

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The Afterparty

Here, we discuss our experiences with Zentangle and how it helps to get lost in a playful creative outlet. It sounds like this:

"Words! Wordy word word” “Oh, word word?” “But why word-word?” “Because word!” “Ahhhhh, wordy-word word.” Word. 🤣

*In an effort to sustain our antics, the Afterparty will move behind ye old paywall soon!

That’s all for now! Thanks for tuning in & see you next week.

Love always,

🧘🏽‍♀️ Tasha & Jeff 🧘🏼‍♂️

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