That was a great convo thank you for the insights and the wonderful graceful flow of conversation

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I love that discussion about the "family resemblance" between different traditions, once you get deep enough. I'm exploring working with a teacher right now specifically because my initial reaction to his work was "yuck - I don't like this", and I'm curious about what that was about. As I get deeper into it, I realize that it's pointing at many of the same things I've been looking at this whole time -- just from a different perspective. I resist the "pathifying", but maybe that's what's been missing for me.

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Yeah, I think so much it is about temperament, Lori. There are some people who really benefit from and enjoy the comfort of a single path or tradition, gives them a kind of structure. And then there are others who like seeing things from the perspective of multiple traditions, and find that doesn’t create contradictions, but synergies. Glad you enjoyed the episode.

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I found the inquiry so incredibly helpful, thank you. After asking the question of myself I imagined asking it of the other person in the particular situation I had in mind too - is my reaction really necessary for them in some way? It was really clear that it was not. It felt quite freeing. I know this is going to be really helpful to me,so thank you!

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The meditation (?) in this episode was really helpful, thank you! Religions are like fingers of the same hand. Now, I'm off to check out the website. ♥️

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' Family of Origin : The gift that keeps on giving!!!' Hahahaha!! That's brilliant. Tattoo worthy even ;)

There is definitely something to this... thank you for the introduction to The Ten Fetters through a lens that felt very human and relatable.

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